Regulations of Children's Drawing Contest in Belarus

Belarus Red Cross Society







On «Red Cross. I see goodness» contest


Secretary General of the Belarus Red Cross Society







    1. Present regulation defines the procedure for conduct of national creative contest with international participation among pupils of general secondary educational institutions of Belarus and pupils of educational institutions from Denmark, Switzerland, Poland, Bulgaria and Ukraine (participants of partnership, cooperation, and activity coordination platform of BRCS) on the topic «Red Cross. I see goodness» dedicated to 70th Anniversary of Geneva Conventions 1949 (hereinafter - Contest).
    2. The Organizers of the Contest are BRCS, National Historical Museum of the Republic of Belarus, Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus with the support of the Mission of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Belarus (hereinafter - ICRC) hereinafter referred to as «Organizers».
    3. Participation in the Contest is open. Information about the Contest is reported in the media and posted on the sites of BRCS (, National Historical Museum of the Republic of Belarus (, Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus ( and other sources.



    1. Goal of the Contest – to promote and enhance the principles and values set out in the Geneva Conventions 1949 through children creative activity.
    2. Objectives of the Contest:

Popularizing of the activity of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement in the world and in the Republic of Belarus;

to attract public attention to humanitarian  principles and values;

deepening knowledge of International Humanitarian Law;

determination of creative abilities of children and youth;

support of gifted and talented young people.






    1. In the Contest may take part pupils of general secondary educational institutions of Belarus (for classes 1-11 at schools) and pupils of educational institutions from Denmark, Switzerland, Poland, Bulgaria and Ukraine. Among the participants there are two age categories:

first group  – from 6 to 12 years old;

second group – from 13 to 17 years old.

    1. There are the following categories (topics) of the Contest:

7.1.      category «Red Cross in the Republic of Belarus and in the world»;

7.2.      category «Principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement»;

7.3.      category «Humanity in the modern world».

    1. Drawings can be made on any material (watman drawing paper, canvas etc.) and executed in any drawing technique (oil, watercolor, ink, colored pencils, chalk etc.)
    2. Works (drawings) submitted to the Contest must be in A2 format.
    3. The following information should be indicated on the reverse side of each drawing: surname and first name of the author, age, place of living, school title and class, category (topic) of work, surname and first name of the supervisor and his/her phone number.  
    4. All expenses related to the preparation and providing materials to the Contest are covered by the participant.
    5. The date of sending the work is indicated by postal stamp, in the case of courier delivery, according to the entry in the registration log.
    6. The submitted drawings must be complete, without folds and damages.
    7. One drawing from one participant is accepted.
    8. Drawings presented to the Contest will not be returned and can be used at the discretion of the Organizers, including for producing of printed products, social advertising etc. The exclusive right to use and disseminate the drawings is transferred to the Organizers in a full manner simultaneously with the transfer of the drawing. The right of ownership of the materials (drawings) transferred by the participants is acquired by BRCS.



stages of the contest


    1. Contest is held in two stages. 1st stage take place from December 17, 2018 till April 15, 2019, 2nd stage take place from  April 22, 2019 till May 31, 2019.
    2. For participation in the Contest it is necessary to provide:

Application form (Annex 1);

Drawing, which complies with formal requirements.

    1. 1st stage of the Contest is held from December 17, 2018 to April 15, 2019.
    2. For pupils of general secondary educational institutions of Belarus application form and drawing are provided on territorial basis. Minsk regional branch of BRCS, Grodno regional branch of BRCS, Brest regional branch of BRCS, Vitebsk regional branch of BRCS, Gomel regional branch of BRCS, Mogilev regional branch of BRCS, Minsk city branch of BRCS collect the materials (application form and drawing) for participation in the Contest until March 18, 20
    3. Pupils of educational institutions from other states (Denmark, Switzerland, Poland, Bulgaria, Ukraine) must send the application and drawing to the address of the head office of the respective national society not later than March 18, 2019, marked Drawing Contest «Red Cross. I see goodness». Information about the winners of the 1st stage of the Contest is sent to the BRCS Secretariat before  April 8, 2019 to the specialist in disseminating knowledge of international humanitarian law and the Red Cross, K.Viaselskaya (e-mail address:
    4. The Contest’s results of the 1st stage are summarized in 2 age groups (6-12 years old; 13-17 years old) in each of the nominations.
    5. Regional BRCS associations send to the BRCS Secretariat following documents:

22.1. information about the winners of the 1st stage of the Contest - until April 08, 2019 to the e-mail address;    

22.2.    materials of the winners of the 1st stage (application and drawing) - until April 15, 2019 to the address: 35, K. Marksa str.,5 220030, Minsk (marked Drawing Contest «Red Cross. I See Goodness»).

23. The 2nd stage of the Contest is held from April 22, 2019 to May 31, 2019. Winners of the 1st stage participate in the 2nd stage of the Contest.

24. The organizers of the Contest select the jury to summarize the 2nd stage.






25. The organizers select the panel of judges of the Contest, location and format of winner award ceremony.

26. The results of the Contest at two stages are summarized in 2 age groups (6-12 years old, 13-17 years old) in each of the nominations.

27. Summarizing is carried out by the judges of the Contest. Works are evaluated by jury members on a five-point scale according to the following criteria:

correspondence to the chosen topic (category);

creative concept, novelty and depth of the topic exposure;


independence and author’s exceptional skills;

observation of formal requirements.

The evaluation results are recorded in the Evaluation sheet (Annex 2).

28. The works that gained the most points win. With an equal number of points, or in case of disputable situation, the right of a deciding vote remains with the chairman of the judges of the Contest.

29. The jury decision is formalized through minutes; the decision is final and is not subject to revision.

30. Contest winners are awarded with diplomas, memorable gifts (souvenirs) of the Contest's Organizers on a parity basis.

31. The organizers reserve the right to award participants of the Contest with additional awards from the BRCS, the National Historical Museum of the Republic of Belarus, the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, the ICRC, as well as partner organizations.

32. Information about the results and the winners of the Contest will be posted in the media and on the official websites of the BRCS (, the National Historical Museum of the Republic of Belarus (, the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus ( and other resources.

33. The best works will be represented in the form of a mobile exhibition, called «Red Cross. I see goodness» in the framework of events dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Geneva Conventions of 1949.

34. The award ceremony and exhibition presentation will be held at the National Historical Museum of the Republic of Belarus. The date and time of the award ceremony and exhibition presentation are determined by the Contest Organizers.


Deputy secretary                                                          R.R. Skomoroshko



Deputy Minister of Education of the Republic of Belarus

_____________ Raisa S. Sidorenko




Head of the Mission of the International Committee of the Red Cross in the Republic of Belarus

___________D. Drndarski



Director of the state institution «National Historical Museum of the Republic of Belarus»

_____________ P.M. Sapotko







Annex 1


to the Regulation of the Contest «Red Cross. I see goodness»


Application form


Name and Surname of the author



Author’s age



Author’s place of living



School title and class



Category (topic) of work



Surname and first name of the supervisor


Phone number, email  of the supervisor



Surname and first name of educational institution Director



Postal and electronic address of educational institution







Annex 2


to the Regulation of the Contest «Red Cross. I see goodness»


Evaluation SHEET


Stage of the Contest


Name and Surname of the author



Age category of the author

(from 6 to 12 years old; from 13 to 17 years old)


Category (topic) of work



Grade (From 1 to 5)




Compliance to the chosen topic (category)




Creative concept, novelty and  depth of the topic exposure








Independency and author’s exceptional skills




Observation of formal requirements







Member of the Jury

Name and Surname
